About the Firm

Law Firm DAON strives to remain top quality legal service provider.

About the Firm

Law Firm DAON strives to remain
top quality legal service provider.

Law Firm DAON is a law firm to aim on the mutual prosperity and growth with clients.

The cornerstone of Law Firm DAON's practice has been always focused on provision of the quality legal services narrowly tailored to fit each individual corporate client's needs in rapidly globalized and dynamic business market in cost effective manner.
In order to achieve that end, the growth has been deliberately limited. The Firm is proud of our established record of excellence in providing expert legal advice and representation to both Korean and internatinal clients involving all areas of legal practice.

Law Firm DAON strives to remain top quality legal service provider.

The Firm was established with the goal of growing into a global competitor together with its clients by providing high quality of legal services for those companies at home of abroad playing a key role in their respective business areas while duly observing the ethical professional code of conduct.
Our lawyers have accumulated the requisite competency and expertise over the years so as to meet the client's expectations and to in the end better serve the client's best interests.

Law Firm DAON is a law firm to aim on the mutual prosperity and growth with clients.

The Firm will aim high to grow to become a world-class law firm and at the same time to put a top priority on clients's interests, and assist and protect them in a most effective way for them to attain their business goals.

주요 경력

2020. 6법무법인 다온(多溫) 대표변호사

2016. 7대진대학교 총장 취임

2016. 11인천시남구청 고문변호사

2016. 6예금보험공사 감사자문위원

2015. 11경기도의회 고문변호사